One of the most important pieces of piping for both cities and residential homes are storm or sewer pipes. Having these pipes fully functional are essential to prevent flooding and water damage to more areas than simply buildings. Someone does not have to be an expert in order to get their storm and sewer pipes fixed, they simply have to call on the assistance of a professional contractor. Connerton residents who do not know much about pipes or fixing them should not try to do this task on their own. For some of the more complex drain pipes that have multiple connections to other inlets and outlets professionals have to use special tools in order to reopen those connections for new pipe installation.

Why is Fixing Storm Drains Important?

Many people do not think about the state of the storm or sewer drains that connect to their property because they do not see them regularly if at all. When a drain pipe cracks or breaks, the leaking water can saturate the surrounding area, which can ultimately lead to big floods if not worse. For example, all of this water in one place can cause the soils and sediments to dissolve If they are the right material, and create a sinkhole.  This is why it is a good idea to hire the assistance of a professional contractor. Connerton residents would not want to wait on this issue either, as the longer someone waits, the more damage that can potentially be done.

How are Storm and Sewer Drains Fixed?

Most people might think that the only way to fix these broken storm or sewer drains is to replace them completely, but it is still possible to salvage pipe that has already been laid down by another contractor. Connerton contractors can fill in cracks and breaks with an epoxy resin if it is not severe. Only in extreme cases of neglect would a contractor have to completely replace the old pipes with new one. Very rarely are there instances where all the pipe of a home or building has to be replaced because it is in poor condition.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of *Superior Stabilization Corp*


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