In the State of Florida, Septic systems are quite common in areas away from the major cities and metropolitan areas.  Most people in suburban communities or developed areas of town do not use septic tanks for getting rid of waste, but rather they are often a part of a sewer line established by a city or local jurisdiction. Even though these systems do relatively the same job, they are very different in terms of function and being installed or fixed by a professional contractor. Here is some information about these two systems that causes them to be handled differently when being worked on by a contractor.

Installing Sewer Lines to a Residential Home

Even though a home’s plumbing is designed with a sewer in mind or a septic tank, many people do not know how these systems are different. When it comes to sewer systems being installed by a professional contractor, Land o’ Lakes residents should know that professionals simply have to have an avenue from the house to the cities already established sewer system. Laying pipe to an already existing water system would sound like a lot of work, but in all actuality, there is more work involved when a contractor is asked to install a septic system for a residential homeowner.

What is the Issue with Septic Systems?

Septic systems are great for people who live in rural or underdeveloped areas because it is not as extensive as creating a new sewer system. The only issue with septic systems is that they have a lot of problems that are not an issue for homeowners who are connected to a city sewer line. For starters, a homeowner is going to pay a lot more out of pocket for a septic system than to connect to an existing sewer system with a professional contractor. Land o’ Lakes residents should be made aware that a homeowner often has to get their septic tank pumped every couple of years in order to avoid costly mishaps. 

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Superior Stabilization Corp*